Easy, smart investing for all

Unlock trading success with simplified analysis at your fingertips

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Made for Retail Traders

Analysis at a glance

Trade stocks and crypto while juggling multiple jobs or studying - level the playing field.

Alerts at the right time

Maximize timing advantage! Create a watchlist and get notified for optimal trading opportunities. Or let auto trading handle your trades with ease.

Built-in chat community

Harness the power of crowd investing, learn together, trade better together.

Customize your portfolio

Create a personalized watchlist for your portfolio, mix Stocks and Crypto if you wish. Then blend your own unique cocktail of trading and investing strategies.

Effortless analysis with pre-analyzed charts

Unlock the simplicity of utilizing a wide range of powerful market algorithms, including MACD, Chaikin, coupled with AI. Automated technical and fundamental analysis eliminates complexity and steep learning curves, revealing excellent trading opportunities.

Risk-free paper trading

Explore the world of investing with virtual funds, allowing you to build confidence and gain experience without putting your own capital at risk. Experiment with diverse investment strategies to enhance your market understanding and identify the approaches that work best for you.

Wallstreet analyst on your pocket

This app is built for ordinary people who aspire for better things in life. We get that you don't have the time or money to pay for Wallstreet advisors. Powered by AI and Cloud automation, you now have close to the same level of information as the wealthy 1%.

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